

jueves, septiembre 01, 2011

today i woke up and i've realize that i made some many means things in my short life.
and that people werent so bad after all, and i made some mistakes whit them.
I always knew that it was wrong, but by some reason, today all that memories came back to my mind.
I just want to say sorry to that people, i know that they will never read this, and if they do, i dont think that they're gonna understand.

Today i saw her pictures and i realized that i was so mean with her, and i just want to say im sorry, that it was a silly figth, and forgive me if i made you look like a loser, if i made you feel down. Cause i know i did, i mean, after that almost nobody talked with you anymore, and i feel a litlle guilty today cause you send me back that post in flickr, and i posted there cause my girlfriends told me "do it, shes gonna be so fucking mad!, and we wanna see what shes gonna tell u.", and i did it, and you were nice, so nice even when averybody knows you hate me. I felt guilty, cause i didnt do it with good intentions. I fell guilty too, when i remember what happends between us that year, and all i think is "i know it was wrong, but who cares? it was so fucking funny!.-

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Hola Terrícolas, me encanta leer sus comentarios, eviten los spoilers y sean respetuosos ♥ Me pasaré de vuelta a sus blogs a la brevedad :3
