School =/ again

martes, marzo 09, 2010

I can not imagine having to go to that place again infested with teachers and inspectors ... I hate to go back to the routine of knowing that I'll get ratings, and having to apply for what I like, at this point I have not the slightest idea what to do, just look into nothingness .. Diego is now connected via IM, school tomorrow .. but really do not want that, but I want to see my friends and talk about many things ... beginning mainly by the things that each made during their summer vacation .. I want to be dead before entering the school, but I have to give it my best and go with the best attitudes and that's all. END

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Hola Terrícolas, me encanta leer sus comentarios, eviten los spoilers y sean respetuosos ♥ Me pasaré de vuelta a sus blogs a la brevedad :3
