
sábado, julio 16, 2011

And the worst part is that i wanna be dead.
My mobile, mi Id, and all my stuffs are lost, & i was so homesick
now, im actually sick, really sick, and i cant eat nothing at all.
Then i run into you & is just what i dont need, you.
And the day after tomorrow is the worst day in the year, my first day at school
uf, How i hate that day, but i hope (and please god listen to me) that i will be too sick to go to school that day, Mum, is not that simple to me! pleeease let me stay in home~

Pelota, pk eres tan porfiada? pk te tiras del escritorio?

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Hola Terrícolas, me encanta leer sus comentarios, eviten los spoilers y sean respetuosos ♥ Me pasaré de vuelta a sus blogs a la brevedad :3
